Ambien (Generic) Zolpidem Tartrate

Are you someone who is a night owl not by choice but by the situation? Where you are unable to sleep the whole night, this is called Insomnia or sleeping disorder. 

If one has not got enough required sleep, one can face many unhealthy health related issues for the long term.

That is where Ambien is a medication suggested by the physicians to consulted patience only.

Ambien Overview

Ambien is an anti sleep disorder or insomnia medication which is also known as Zolpidem. Insomnia doesn’t have any age, it could happen to a minor or an adult depending upon their lifestyle, eating habits and sometimes genetics as well.

In case, you have fallen prey for Insomnia, you don’t have to worry, the way everything has a solution so does sleeping disorder has. 

The best way to get rid of Insomnia or sleeping disorders is to start taking care of yourself, taking meals on time, sleeping on time and consulting a doctor. 

When it comes to medication, Ambien is used for curing the sleeping disorder or insomnia caused due to stress, anxiety, bad lifestyle or bad eating habit or could be any reason. 

The best cure can be depicted by the doctor analyzing your health condition situation. 

Ambien medication helps you sleep faster and after its intake, you can expect to fall asleep within 15 to 20 min and will last for 8 to 9 hours.

Let’s get into Ambien medication in depth and clear all of your doubts in one go on this page.

Ambien Dosage

If your doctor has prescribed Ambien medicine then the best way of consuming it is to follow the physician’s prescription. Because everyone’s body works in a different way and the doctor assists the patient accordingly. 

Usually, Ambien medication is taken by mouth on an empty stomach which means without intaking food or as prescribed by your doctor. 

The reason why one should consult a doctor before intaking Ambien drug, as you would be under doctor supervision and the Ambien drug dosage varies for different age group.

Also, make sure you don’t have to do any important work after its intake as the Ambien drug starts resulting its effect within 15 to 20 min and lasts for 7 to 8 hours. Thus, Ambien for sleeping will relax your brain and help your sleeping.

Ambien Brand Name

The Ambien can be found in the market with other names as given below:-

  • Zolpidem
  • Ambien CR
  • Edluar
  • Intermezzo
  • Zoipimist

Thus, if you see any of the above medicine names other than the Ambien brand name then don’t get confused, get your doctor’s consultation for each medication specification and then buy it.

Ambien Side Effects

This drug is not approved for children only for adults that too with doctor prescription. For all of the other sleeping pills in the market, the Ambien drug is considered as safest to an extend. 

But still, there are some Ambien side effects. The following are some Ambien sleep medicine side effects that one should definitely not neglect:-

  • Behavioral change
  • Irritation
  • Agitation
  • Confusion
  • Anger
  • Depression 
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Memory Loss
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble in Breathing
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Hallucination
  • Chest pain
  • Headache
  • Habitual
  • Tiredness
  • Seizure

Thus, if you see any of the changes in your body, do consult your doctor immediately as it could risk your life too. 

Ambien Withdrawal

When consulted with the doctor, the regular checkup helps one to keep a track on their sleep improvement and then the doctor changes the dose as well. 

Since this medicine belongs to Z family of drugs and hence has fewer chances of it being habitual. Anything taken for more than 2 weeks, can definitely make someone addicted or habitual to it. But with regular intake, it can lead to habitual and sudden Ambien withdrawal effects are:-

  • Hallucination
  • Anxiety
  • Seizure
  • Mood Swings
  • Irritation
  • Ambien Craving
  • Vomiting 
  • Fatigue
  • Body Ache
  • Headache
  • Flushing
  • Double vision
  • Blurry vision
  • Lung disease
  • Liver disease
  • Panic Attacks
  • Stomach Cramps
  • Delirium

The withdrawal duration for each patient would vary from their body lifestyle. With its withdrawal, if you see or notice any of the above changes in your body behavior, do contact your doctor immediately before it gets too late.

Ambien Warnings

There are always so do’s and dont’s of something. Although its a medication and how wouldn’t it have. 

The warning is clearly mentioned on Ambien tablet or pills backside that you can read after purchasing the medication. 

Make sure you do not drink and drive after intaking Ambien medicine as it starts reflecting its effect in your body within 15 to 20 min and can cause hallucination and lead to risk to your life.

This medication is not meant for children and thus, keeps it away from them, however, it is possible.

Makes sure you don’t take Ambien overdose, as anything in excess is harmful so does Ambien overdosage can lead to serious health issues or even death.

Since the side effects are mentioned above, one should take Ambien sleepings pills with doctor consultation only. As Ambien medicine has some serious side effects with make Ambien risky in its consumption..

Buy Ambien Online

If you are looking to buy Ambien online then there are chances that you could get the medication at the discounted rate than the market price. 

Yes, it has always been advisable to check the online offers for each pharmacy website to save more chunks on your pocket. 

Yes, initially that was not a time to get a discount on medications as one has to buy on the MRP, since, the time has changed everything and technology has evolved a lot. 

Now you can get the medication online and offline and buy however you are comfortable with. 

Now, no matter how hurriedly you are in buying the Ambien sleeping pill, you can get it at your door step with one click from your electronic device.

Ambien Reviews

The Ambien reviews are being given by each customer or patient as per their experience. Since this is a medication taken to cure the sleeping disorder among adults, has given amazing results to the ones who have taken it with doctor prescription. 

Thus, it has always been advisable to start taking Abien with doctor consultation only as he may change the dose as per the health improvement.


Ambien is considered as one of the sleeping medicine which is taken by adults for curing insomnia or sleeping disorder. 

Most of our lives have become enough busy that we carry the baggage till night and if it exceeds leads to sleeping disorder or insomnia, where you keep awake the whole night and do nothing productive except opening the eyes, overthink anything which makes the brain exhausted. 

It is must that your brain do rest and for that it is must to sleep. That is where the Ambien comes in the picture for curing the sleeping disorder or insomnia

There are many pros and cons of intaking it and one should take it under the doctor supervision only as it could harm your life if taken in a wrong direction or without guidance.

Thus, the end choice is in your hand on how you want to intake it and cure the problem for which you have been struggling to cure.

Ambien Pill Images & Packaging

For medicines available in various strengths, marketed under various brand names, and manufactured by various pharmaceutical companies, many images are displayed. When appropriate, multi-ingredient medication may also be listed.


Ambien is what class of drug?

Ambien drug is the classification of sedative-hypnotics.

What are the side effects of Ambien?

The following are some of the Ambien side effects:-

  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Anger
  • Agitation
  • Confusion
  • Irritation
What is the Ambien Price?

The Ambien sleeping pill price would vary online and offline store depending upon from where you buy or under what offer or sale you buy

Can I take Ambien during Pregnancy?

Taking medication during pregnancy can be risky to your baby as it can cause drowsiness, tiredness or any other health related health issues in your new born baby.

What is Ambien used for?

Ambien or Zolpidem is consumed to cure insomnia or sleep disorder among adults.

What are the long term side effects of Ambien?

If Ambien drug is intaken with the wrong prescription one could have to suffer the long term Ambien sleep medicine side effects in rapid behavioral change, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, memory loss and many more.

What kind of food should I avoid intaking Ambien sleeping pills?

One should avoid Ambien with Alcohol before or after its intaking as it could be dangerous to your health and can risk your life also.

What if one misses an Ambien Dose?

Since, this medication is taken to cure the sleep disorder then one should keep a habit of taking it on time as prescribed by the doctor.

What is bad about Ambien sleeping pill?

Ambien is classified under sedative category which is considered under a high dose abuse.

What is Ambien medicine effect time?

The Ambien medication starts showing its effect within 15 to 20 min after its intake. Thus, it is advisable to complete all the tasks and take it when you are going to sleep in the bed.